BOP Controls Training

Reducing System and Production Downtime

Our team of oil and gas industry experts has developed a series of courses to introduce technicians to critical service components, and prepare them for system optimization and troubleshooting to prevent downtime. In these courses, we take a deep dive into the details of operations with a hands-on learning approach.

Two Courses Take a Deep Dive on Maintenance and Reliability

The BOP control system is the single highest contributor to downtime in the oil and gas industry. This complex network of redundant hydraulic controls interfaces with electrical signals from the surface using multiplex communication to maximize reliability. Every function has a backup, and no single points of failure exist. However, if improperly maintained or serviced, the system cannot operate reliably. Typically, any loss of redundancy results in a mandated stack pull to repair the issue. A 10-cent O-ring can cost producers millions of dollars in just a few days of downtime!

Our expert-designed and led course series expands on details provided in the OEM System Training courses. This course is centered on human-induced failures, and how to prevent them using assembly techniques. Only the top five contributors to downtime are focused on to ensure quality learning takes place, and the course is not diluted with too many components.

How familiar are you with BOP controls?

The following courses are offered to increase anyone’s confidence level with hydraulic components in critical service:

Note: The Introductory Course is a prerequisite for the Advanced Course.


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Houston Compliance and Safety Training Solutions